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About Wine World TV

Fall of 2020 saw the end of 1337 Wine TV and the start of Wine World TV™. After 11 years under the 1337 Wine TV brand (first show 5/25/2009), it was time to make a change. A change to the name (“what does 1337 mean?”). A change to the format. But still the same in many ways.

Wine World TV™ is that change. The updated tagline is “The Best Wine Show Anywhere™.” Once I launched WWTV I realized that this rebranding was to create that best wine show out there. While I haven’t seen every video wine review show or YouTube channel out there. Or even every TV show or YouTube channel out there that focuses on wine, from what I have seen, I’m right up there in the quality of my content. I can say that I deliver an experience unlike anyone else. I don’t rely on gimmicks, being an influencer, only having the most popular, mass produced wines, or staying in a certain kind of niche. I truly want to explore the world of wine. All of it. Whatever catches my eye. 

I’ve worked on having a look and feel for each show. Consistent graphics across shows regardless of the type. I incorporate Google Earth Pro as much as possible to give my viewers a perspective no one else is giving. I script out as much of the show as possible depending on the type to keep things tight. Incorporate more graphics, pictures, B-roll, etc. to keep people watching instead of a boring talking head for 10 minutes. The production value of my show is literally better than anything out there up to and sometimes including truly professional shows with directors, writers, camera operators, editors, producers, etc. I do it all by myself and try to make it seem like I have a team. And my content matches this production. 

With that said, many of my peers in this space produce amazing content. I certainly encourage you to check them out. While some of us may review the same wines around the same time, many others are reviewing wines, and other tasty beverages, that I don’t. 

Let’s discuss the kinds of show I currently (2022) produce:

Reviews – These come out on Monday and I refer to this as Main Mondays. The primary focus of the show. This is how I started everything and I continue to make reviews my mainstay. I focus on the new (to me), interesting, different. I do dabble in the mainstream, but I’m just as likely to review a mass produced wine from California as I am a winery with only one employee and only produces 2000 cases from Slovakia. This entire concept started off as a video diary of my studies, and it still is a snapshot into that. Even if I’m not currently in “study mode” or am actually studying a different area than the review. I’m always researching the world of wine and other beverages.

Each review will give you as much information as I can about the region and the winery as possible but still keeping things tight. I script this first half out. I incorporate Google Earth Pro, give you wine stats, provide additional information and graphics to set the scene for the wine. My reviews combine education and analysis. 

I do not score wines. I do comment on the quality of the wine. Is it good winemaking? Are you getting what you paid for? Do I like it? If not, can I still recommend it to someone? Usually yes, as there’s a wine for everyone. My promise to you is that I’m giving you an honest appraisal of the wine, other beverage, gadget, service, etc. Including if I have a prior favorable, or not favorable, opinion of whatever I’m reviewing.

Freestyle Fridays – Fridays are when “I get to do what I want.” Sometimes I have a Freestyle Friday video, sometimes I don’t. Many times these videos will not be a review of anything, but a purely educational video. Maybe 10 minutes or maybe 30 minutes. Most of the time they will be geared toward the average person, but I also do more advanced content geared towards people in the industry. You may see the latest event or trade show I went to. Maybe it’s an extra review I needed to sneak in. Or I did a one-off interview.

Interviews – Speaking of interviews. One of my favorite things to do is travel to cool, new places around the world to see where these wines come from firsthand. Whether it’s in my backyard in Texas, or halfway across the globe. Whenever I have the funds and time to travel, I’ll do my best to do it. Typically I’ll release these interviews as a block and you won’t see reviews. Except for certain annual specials. Literally every single winegrowing area is on my list to visit. And I re-prioritize those areas all the time.

I’ll put it out there right now. I’m not opposed to a sponsored trip to an area. Whether it’s sponsored by a specific winery or group of wineries, or an official organization of an area or even a country. Of course you, the viewer, will know if it is sponsored and I promise to still uphold the highest journalistic integrity while also balancing the fact that it is a sponsored trip. Go to my Contact Me page if you are interested in doing something like this.

As I already hinted, I don’t have the time and money to be traveling all the time, so I’m totally available to do online interviews. Preferably with a bottle of your wine at the same time. COVID-19 forced many people to use various video conferencing tools to stay connected. My preferred option is Skype due to the technical limitations of other platforms. Using Skype allows me the most flexibility in the editing process. See my Skype Interviews & Virtual Tastings page for more info on that!

I hope you check out my show. I hope you like the content. If you do, please make sure to subscribe to it on YouTube and tell all of your friends about The Best Wine Show Anywhere!™

Mark V. Fusco, CS, CSW